Special Offers

Indulge in the unparalleled charm of Dunton and unlock a treasure trove of perks with our exclusive “Stay Longer, Savor More” offers. As our cherished guest, you will be gifted complimentary nights that weave extra moments of magic and memories into your visit. This is our gift to you; a gift of time . . . time to experience, relax, recharge, reconnect, and just be.

Stay longer, immerse deeper, and let us pamper you with the luxury of time and the gift of exquisite experiences.

Dunton Hot Springs town at day
Aerial view of town

Special Offers

Dunton Hot Springs:
Stay 4 nights & pay for 3 (1 free night / 25%) – Valid for stay January through May (Blackout dates apply)
Advance Purchase promotion – Non refundable 25% off rate valid for stays in November and December (Blackout dates apply)

Dunton River Camp
Stay 3 nights & pay for 2 (1 free night / 33%) – Valid for stays in June and October
Stay 4 nights & pay for 3 (1 free night / 25%) – Valid for stays July – September (Blackout dates apply)
Stay 7 nights & pay for 5 (2 free nights / 28%) – Valid for stays July – September (Blackout dates apply)
During “Family period” : 29 June – 06 July 2025 & 03 – 17 August 2025, Book 1 tent and second tent for children is 50% off (call to book)

Dunton Town House:
“Book one Get one” – free night stay for every night booked – Valid for stays in April and May (not valid over Memorial Day weekend)
Stay 7 nights & pay for 5 (2 free nights / 28%) – Valid for stays January – March (Blackout dates apply)
Advance Purchase promotion – Non refundable 25% off rate valid for stays in October to December (Blackout dates apply)

Stay 3 nights & pay for 2 (1 free night / 33%) – Valid for stays in April and May (Blackout dates apply)
Stay 4 nights & pay for 3 (1 free night / 25%) – Valid for stays January – March / June – September (Blackout dates apply)
Stay 7 nights & pay for 5 (2 free nights / 28%) – Valid for stays January – March / June – September (Blackout dates apply)
Advance Purchase promotion – Non refundable 25% off rate valid for stays in October to December (Blackout dates apply)


To book these offers, you can use the link in the top right (check availability), email us below or call 866-976 4397

Email us